Lauren Wright

Hi all! Lauren here and excited to meet you all.

I’m originally from the east coast, but I have spent the last 14 years in Colorado. Living here has taught me to step outside of who I once through I was and discover a new me. As time passes, I discover more and more about myself and I’m always amazed at this. So sitting down to write an updated version of me I am finding to be quite difficult because even though I truly believe in so much of what I have previously written about me in my bios, I do feel like my language and tone have changed, I feel like I have a slightly different look on so many things.

These are the facts I know about myself -

the things I never see changing….

I love my photography when it flows, when it is filled with intention, peace and confidence. I find that connection most with other creatives, mothers, women, those that have a willingness to share their story - or parts of it. I find it when I am present in the moment, a place a want to stay in more often.

I have finally realized, at 43 years old, that my soul absolutely needs the relationship with horses to stay alive. They are pure magic. They bring me an indescribable calmness in the chaos of my life. I can focus, I can love without fear and trust unconditionally. Whoa, but it’s true.

My daughter is everything I every wanted in a little human that I can say I made. She is sensitive, kind, fiery as hell and just may drive me bananas before I know it. She tests me every single day of my life, has the ability to bring me right to edge of a cliff and then gently pull me back to safety. Her will is stronger than mine was at this age ( 8 going on 16) but that assures me that she will be a- ok as an adult.

I have spent years attempting to perfect my business, pivoting from weddings and studio portraits on the east coast to families and children and now to the intimate connections of family, motherhood, and early childhood. I am falling more and more in love with education and my community. If I can help another to find those creative urges and feel successful in life and business Im so there. Having a friend on this wild ride is essential.

What I have learned is that real life lives below the surface, that the most joy you will ever experience is found very close to home and that the relationships and connections you make in life - when they are real good- you want to work hard to keep them.

I know that as I continue to grow both personally and creatively, my outlook on will shift with it. Until then, its so nice to meet you!